Here we go… #1

Blog post #1. I’ve wanted to start blogging for over a year now but never just started. I felt that it needed a purpose, a plan, objective, etc. I felt that since it would be attached to my portfolio site that it could only only be about graphic design or UX design. Because I stuck to this notion the active procrastinator in me did everything else, except the one thing I wanted to do… write. So, here I am finally doing it now. And, I will tell you one thing. It will not only be about design.

I am multifaceted. I own that. I am a jack-of-all-trades and I love it. I have so many hobbies that I’m currently engrossed in and so many more on my “to do” list. (Note: not bucket list… TO DO list.)

I recently read my old blog that I started about 8 yeas ago. After college I was feeling so lost in “what I wanted to do when I grew up”. I felt societal pressures to succeed in a career… but how could I do that if I didn’t love what I was doing? I decided to write online and document some thoughts and things I was doing at the time. Periodically, I would check in with what I called “free flows”. It was that blog where I shared my first Photoshop designs of photography with overlaying type. Some of my first freelance gigs were posted and I challenged myself to create and reflect on the process of what I was doing.

I supposed that is the “purpose” of this blog. I want to document thoughts, ramblings, ideas, etc. of things I find interesting. Not all will be able design but all will be about process and strategy. It will paint a story, I’m sure.

Cheers to this new adventure!


Applied Behavioral Analysis and User Experience Design